
Monday, August 28, 2006

Comic Book Creation

As usual, this Fall, I will be teaching an 8-week Comic art course in the Continuing studies department at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Here is a photo of one of my classes in action. Wouldn't you like to learn to draw comics like these people? I often dress up as a soldier of the 19th Century Spanish army and whack students with my scabbard who don't rule their borders correctly.

Register Online

Comic Book Creation

CST 9374

Ryan Kelly
8 Saturdays
September 16 - November 4
9:30 am to 12:30 pm/Room M200

noncredit: $255
noncredit alumni/MIA members: $230
Early Registration Discount: $10 off tuition total for registrations made before August 31

This course explores the expansive world of comic book stories and drawing styles. While learning the fundamental aspects of comic book creation and design, students explore the diverse worlds of traditional and contemporary comics. Students will create original characters and story lines and will be introduced to techniques, materials and disciplines used to create professional comic art. Students will learn the following skills: Layout, penciling, lettering and inking. Guest speakers, demonstrations and class critiques will supplement studio work. A complete materials list will be distributed at the first class meeting. Basic drawing skills are strongly recommended. This course is open to students ages 13 and older.

Photographer: A. D. Roth

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