
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sergeant Slaughter

Bill Hillsman picked my painting, intitled Seargent Slaughter, for his online art collection for The collection, simply titled "mash up", features a varied group of work that addresses political topics and the all work is pulled from Minnesota artists' web pages on the site. is an online database of artists and organizations from all disciplines. It's a hub for the local art scene. It's free to all artists (and musicians) and a very open and public place on the web. It's "Myspace" for local Minnesota artists.

Hillsman, an ad artist, is famous for his ad campaigns for Ralph Nader, Paul Wellstone and Jesse Ventura. He's also worked for Ariana Huffington's campaign and currently Ned Lamont.

"It seems everything is tinged with politics these days. And why shouldn’t it be? As a politically aware rock group once sung, “these are strange days, indeed.” Art can be about beauty. It can be about provocation. It can be about edification. And these days, to be edified means to be provoked" -Bill Hillsman

See the complete art collectionHERE

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