
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Interviews Archived

Google my name (not like I do) and things happen. I'm listing and archiving every substantial media interview of me online. May as well. It's for my own organization, really, if not for people who are actually dying to know what I think. But be warned, My life is rather boring, so i'm known to make up fantastic lies in interviews and you will catch contradictions from article to article.

THE RAKE Mise en Scène (Reality is the New Fantasy) A St. Paul artist finds twelve kinds of local in a new comic series. by Keith Pile

July 2006

THE ONION Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly on Local. by Christopher Bahn

January 2006

NEWSARAMA Local Boy: Ryan Kelly On Local by Chris Arrant

December 2005

THE PULSE Ryan Kelly and Giant Robot Warriors by Jennifer Contino

February 2004

CITY PAGES Ryan Kelly Battles the Giant Robots: A comic book artist takes on America's military machine by Peter Ritter

January 2004

COMIC BOOK RESOURCES That Other Devil: Ryan Kelly Talks Lucifer by Arune Singh

October 2002

1 comment:

  1. But be warned, My life is rather boring, so i'm known to make up fantastic lies in interviews and you will catch contradictions from article to article. mean you don't like Gray's Anatomy or The Young and the Restless?

    I don't know what to believe in anymore.
