
Monday, December 04, 2006

Wicker Park

I've been insanely sick the past week and I spent the whole day in the emergency room, Sunday, trying to figure out what was wrong with me. So , NO WORK has been getting done for 4 days now, which is not good for a freelancer who needs to keep up EVERYDAY.

In the meantime, here's a page from Local #8: Chicago, Wicker Park, which I'm finishing up now. And here's the preliminary sketch/layout. It would be done now if i didn't get hit so hard by illness, but i'm finishing up the last few pages.

I've come to enjoy drawing backgrounds, especially Chicago, which i'm familiar with. And since Local #7: Tempe didn't feature a lot of "real life" places (besides that Mall, Campus street, and highscool), this Chicago issue, in contrast, features a lot of recognizable locations.

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