
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Baseball Card of the Week: Cal Ripken Jr. '82 Fleer

Are you sometimes tired of art like me? Why, sure. Blogging pictures of your baseball card collection? What a great idea! First up, Cal Ripken Jr. And if you don't like this, too bad, maybe I'll put up my Billy Ripken 1989 Fleer ERROR CARD and you know what the consequences of that will be.

Like most dopes, the bulk of my collection is from the collectible-boom/bubble of the early 90's. comics, game cards, pound puppies, nothing was sacred any more. In the comics world, this would be the equivalent of putting up a copy of "Youngblood" and riffing the hell out of it.

Just feast your eyes on this totally off-centered example of an original Cal Ripken Jr. 82' Fleer Rookie Card. Aren't you jealous? Do you worship me now?

The newly annointed hall-Of-Famer was Rookie of the Year in 1982, Al MVP in 1983 and 1991, and an All-Star for 19 years. No steroids for him. He compiled 3,184 hits and 431 homers and a likely impenetrable record of 2,632 consecutive games.

If you're like me, and I know you are, you obsess over Lifetime batting statistics


  1. Wow. I am jealous. I'll trade you my '86 Donruss Bo Jackson "rated rookie" for it?

    I remember watching a Twins game where Cal argued a called third strike, and was thusly ejected from the game.

    It was in the bottom of the first, but his game streak stayed in tact (but not his consecutive innings streak).

  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Billy Ripkin, I finally get what was so funny about that card other than it had a naughty word...

    My prize possession is a Ricky Henderson rookie card I found in a wax pack. The guy who sold it to me just about shit his pants...

  3. When we were 11 my friend paid $5.00 for a 1980 waxpack and got a Rickey Rookie card. There must be a lot of them in there! Most of the world knows I am obsessed with Rickey Henderson . I was so jealous , I went out and bought the Rickey card under glass for (i have no idea) maybe $30.00. It's worth about $60.00.

    I've got an autograph story to tell about Rickey, who rarely signs autographs.

    And..Bo Jackson.I think his reputation has really been bolstered in the last years. Everyone sees him as a pure athlete and not a pill-popping mutant like some ball players we know.
    Bo Jackson cards are worth money!

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I have a topps 1989 Ricky Henderson Card that is a misprint. Toppscut off the top part of the card and shows another card on the bottom...any value? True Nube here.

  5. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I have the same rookie card with the same off-centered front, just opposite of yours. I won my card at a baseball card convention in ocean city MD. I rolled snake eyes at a game table where you get the card your # is, mine was 3. Guy was stunned, tried hard to buy it back. Na Sucka! Best $1 I ever spent.
