Look, I don't know what else to say anymore. This is one of the greatest robot graphic novels created in the last 600 years. They're Giant. They're Robots. They're Warriors. I'll add another adjective if you want.
Buy it here or at Amazon and witness the robot excellence for yourself, please. Take it the beach with you, The new dust cover will protect it from the sand and kelp. GIANT ROBOT WARRIORS. The time is now.

McManus. I love these sketches of her, but I didn't draw her as well in the first few pages of the book, and I don't know why because these sketches are so good in my opinion.

Killamon! I wanted my robots to look more animal-like as I was mainly influenced by 60's Japanese monster movies. So Killamon was a little like a turtle (like Gamera) and a beetle. I also intended Killamon to symbolize very American traits in his battle appearance: sleek, state-of-the-art, expensive, and way overloaded with the most advanced weopons, like he could tip over any second.

Sandy. Described early on as being made up of old Cold war-era Soviet and American parts, haphazardly put together with camel pelts and sand dripping from the robot. I slapped on some old sherman tanks on his back with duct tape and stuff. I really wanted him to look like a giant ant with two mouths, one on the top of his head. One of my best sketches ever.

Rufus. These were gawd-awful.

Rufus. A little better.


Gina and Davy. My favorite characters in the book immediately after this sketch.
I think I forgot to tell you my copy of Giant Robot Warriors came in the mail a couple of weeks ago. I read it and thoroughly enjoyed it. The robots were indeed giant and warriors, and a good time was had by all.
ReplyDeleteAnd by "all" I, of course, mean "me."