
Friday, July 20, 2007

SDCC Schedule

I'm attending my first San Diego Comic Block Party '07 next week. I'm in SD Wednesday through Sunday. I'll just be wandering a lot, looking for something to do. I may be hanging out at the DC comics area as well. I will likely get a massive cold or an anxiety "episode", so if you just want to sit with me on a curb and drink out of a paperbag, that's fine, I'll give you my cell number.

I don't have an artist table, but I'll be at the Oni booth atleast one hour per day. I may have a few pieces of original art with me for sale. I can do my usual doodles but I'm open for a couple black and white commissions as I'll be doing them in the hotel room if I can manage anything at all.

Please come by and visit. I'll bring the potato salad. I'll update this if I appear anywhere else. Hope to see you.
Signing and stuff:


3:00-4:20pm- signing, Oni booth (#1834)


12:00-1:20pm - signing, Oni booth (#1834)


To be determined - (I won't be able to make my 6:00-6:50 time that day)
I will also be at a panel at 12:00pm in Room 8.


10:30-11:50 - signing, Oni booth (#1834)

Check out the Full list to see all the creators at the Oni booth next week.

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