Worse, Worser and Worstest

I promise my artblog will not be headquarters for daily confessions of pain.
My surgery failed and they couldn't get my stone out. My tubes were too small for the big scary probe.
If you haven't been paying attention, here is an update--I was abducted by aliens when I was 4 years old. On the planet XR-12, they implanted a small rock in my kydney. 27 years later, Now ,they want to extract it out of my penis with a long probe and a laser.
I have to go back into surgery and try again in 2 weeks. My Doctor is a great guy and he's trying. In the meantime, they left a stent inside of me and the pain is magnificent. I'm peeing needles and going to the bathroom is like getting run over by a car. I'm eating Percocet out of a cereal bowl with a spoon. That's not even the worst of it. The worst concerns my "Health" "Insurance" God bless America.
Thank you to all who have given me compassion in the last month. I'm embarrased and humbled. Especially, from my friends in the comics community. Through all this, I have been working on the final pages for next year's The New York Four.
If anyone wants to help, they can tell the people who write reviews for Local that I am NOT a slow artist. I am pissing blood and cradling my gut and howling at the moon. I am a very VERY fast artist.
Labels: Freightenedformylife, My Body, Openly complaining to strangers
Oh man, this is horrible.
I don't personally know you or anything, but I love your art, and it seems that you're a Twins fan, and I'm constantly worried about my own genitals, so I feel like I can really relate. For what it's worth, know that you have the deepest sympathies of an internet stranger.
Oh, my God, dude, this has to be the worst news ever. I hope they can get everything cleared up next time they go in!
Sorry Ryan! love from new york so your junk heals up quick!
Hey there, I am coming to you from Brian Wood's journal and I thought I'd offer sympathy from a familiar perspective. I've had two separate bouts with stones. The first time they did what you're going through now, so I know EXACTLY what you mean about the stent, and they had me on 6 Percocets a day. That damn string was always the worst part for me. I can tell you that when they remove the stent you will feel instantly better. It was amazing. But the other thing I can tell you, that no one told me, is to taper off the Percocets. I felt so much better after they removed the stent that I just stopped taking them, and I spent the next 2 days in withdrawal.
Have they considered trying to break the stone up with the sonic stuff and then removing it? That's what they did to me the second time. I can't say the experience was much better, but if they're having trouble removing it it seems like that would make the process better.
I really hope it ends for you soon. I know how horrible it is. More than one female doctor told me it was much worse than giving birth. I always said, yeah, cause you don't get a prize at the end. Good luck to you!
Feel better dude! I know I'm going to be due for kidney stones eventually...
I was looking forward to reading a post about your successful surgery and recovery, but ugghh, this is bad news indeed. There's not much i can say but . . ., well, there's really nothing I can say. Just take care, Ryan.
I feel your pain, man. I went through the same thing back in February, stent and all. Worst few weeks of my life. You have my sympathies. I hope you're through with this soon.
Where's Michael Clark Duncan when you need him, huh? I hope you feel better.
Holy crap, man, that's awful. I hope you can get those little fuckers out of you as fast as possible, and that you get no grief from insurance. Yeesh.
--Keith P
I can't even imagine. I hope everything gets better soon!
Sweet Christ! I'm so sorry!
I hope the procedure works this next time around. I can't even imagine your pain.
I'm sorry it is going so rough. Everyone here at Oni is behind you 100%.
And folks, Ryan is one of the fastest and most talented professional artists we have ever had the privilege of working with. If anybody is complaining about him, they don't know what they are talking about.
Randal C. Jarrell
managing editor
WHOA dude!!! i just stopped by your blog after a long absence of checking it and it sucks to hear about your INTENSE kidney stones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it'll all be over soon!!!! keep rockin', man, can't wait to see the new Local and NYF stuff.
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