
Friday, April 11, 2008

Local Update

Local #11 is delayed at the printer, so the new Street Date is April 30. (Note to the Mean People: No, It doesn't take me 8 months to draw a comic book, #11 has been finished for 4 months, it's just been held back for a smoother finale). But now, it's delayed for a little longer. I ripped this off of Brian Wood's website:

Apr 30 - Local #11
May 28 - Local #12
Jul 23 - Local (hardcover edition)

In the meantime, here's a gray version of Annabella Lwin from Bow Wow Wow...

Annabella Lwin Gray


  1. Woohoo! By the end of July, I will have all the issues, and the hardcover! So nice, I'm buying it twice!

  2. **Jul 23 - Local (hardcover edition) **

    Rock on!! :) I can't wait to grab the collected version.
