
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Coming in June

DMZ #42
Written by Brian Wood
Art by Ryan Kelly
Cover by John Paul Leon
You've seen them countless times in the pages of DMZ. Violent killers – anonymous and silent – behind gas masks and heavy clothing. Always the vanguard of death and destruction. But who are they and where do they come from? What would cause a man or woman, even in a warzone, to completely surrender themselves to oblivion? "No Future" is a 3-part story probing an infamous DMZ death cult housed in the city's tallest building.
On sale June 10 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS

Woah, I'm drawing something with a JP Leon cover!

Advance Solicited:

Written by Brian Wood
Art by Ryan Kelly
Cover by Massimo Carnevale
The second NORTHLANDERS collection, featuring issues #11-16, takes place during the tail end of Viking rule in Ireland. A series of mysterious murders and arsons against wealthy citizens leaves the Viking occupiers worried that a potential uprising might ignite. When surprising details involving the crimes are revealed, though, their jobs become much harder! Once again, writer Brian Wood teams with artist Ryan Kelly (Local) for an intriguing, gorgeously rendered peek at the inner workings of society.
Advance-solicited; on sale July 29 • 144 pg, FC, $14.99 US • MATURE READERS

Please BUY these!

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