Make A Donation-Get Art

Updated and Edited with new prices 9/9/2012:
I'm establishing a new program here.
You make a donation of $25.00 to me and I'll send you a random piece of mystery artwork. Yes, wipe the sleep from your eyes, that's what I said. That's $20.00 for the art and $5.00 for the cost of shipping it and the price of the envelope.
The art could be some random preliminary sketch, it could be a comic page, it could be an old sketch, it could an aborted commission or something new and wondrous. It could be all the collars ripped off my nice dress shirts. I don't know. Maybe...Something really good! The thing is, it's a grab bag.
Send me $40.00 and you get something better(!!). Send me $60 and you get $60 worth of stuff. Send $100, and likewise. Send over $100.00 and well, we need to talk.
Heck, make even a $20 donation and you'll get some nice little thing.
Minimum is $20.00 but atleast $25 is recommended.
Tell your friends. If you have no friends, tell the strangers
POAQ's (Possibly Occasional Asked Questions):
What do I do Again?
If you want to send money. Click the "Make A Donation" button and follow the link, which takes you to my Paypal. If you want to give me money, nifty, do it. And make sure you send your mailing address in the message. If you don't want anything sent to you in exchange, let me know.
What do I get again?
Art. You can make a request if you wish. Maybe I can oblige, maybe I can't. I'm pretty busy.
An Offering of gratitude.
Stabbing Anuerysm DEATH
Please NO complaing about what
I send to you-it's just a token of gratitude!---
If you'd like to buy an specific comic page, commission or print, that is a separate arrangement.
When do I get it?
I throw the art in an envelope and send it off as cheaply as possible with your address on it. I might make it to the Post Office once a week to do this.
Why are you doing this?
Just for fun I guess. But I need money so I can have the financial freedom to make new art.
What's your problem?
Nothing. Don't hurt me.
Why should I give you money?
You don't have to. But I appreciate it if you do and I'll show it by sending you real art. I'm a working artist with 3 sons so I'll take what I can get. This isn't desperation; it's just something to do for fun. There are actual, real less fortunate people in this world, who need food and vaccinations. Please send money to the organizations that help those people. After that, if you want to come back and donate to the Ryan Kelly Freelance Artist fund, well, super-duper.
Hey Bolshevik, Aren't you always going on about redistribution of wealth and here you are as---
Listen, stop! Wrong! Quit asking me questions!! AGGHHH !! MY brain is melting!!!
How long are going to do this?
Until I run out of art. Or loose the desire to make new art. Or get bored with this. Or if it's a complete worthless failure.
I understand getting attached to good coffee, but Mexican food? I love it and all, but it always leaves early the next morning and has disparaging things to say about my mother.
And this is a really roundabout way of saying, "Lemme scrounge up a few spare bucks to share." :-]
What if you live in Minnesota and used to work for you? (Even though it was an internship).
Glad to finally find a format of your work online.
Keep up the great work!
This is a great idea, man. :) I'll pass along this link to some Newsarama-y folks, maybe get it some extra exposure.
Hope to see ya at the MN shows this year.
Your friends at have made a donation.
Chris Shields
Hot damn, it's like a slot machine. Except that it spits out art instead of casino tokens.
I am sooo happy; I just got my package today. Great stuff!!!
Thanks so much,
Chris Shields
My art package same in the mail yesterday, and it's pretty damn sweet.
Now I gotta go buy some frames. :-]
Thanks for the cool art. Keep up the great work.
J Simpkins
is there a way we can send money in the mail?
How 'bout a blast from the past. Hi Ryan, Mike Brazil looking at all your stuff here online. Looks like your path in life has led you to some pretty amazing things.
I don't know if you remember me but we went to junior high together and I used to live at my aunt's house in Mpls down the road from you. Anyway, pretty cool stuff Ryan, looks real good.
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