Introducing...THE MUTANT PUNKS

introducing.....THE MUTANT PUNKS!
Concord - "Captain Concord", as he is known in the Bermuda Triangle, is the dashing, swashbuckling leader of The Mutant Punks. He is a human supersonic airplane. He can fly faster than the speed of sound and he uses his flying powers to fly and do other flying-type things.
Twisterella - By altering the temperatures around her body, Twisterella can create a microburst of powerful blunt force winds completely at her control. She uses these powerful hurricane-like winds to levitate, hurl enemies into the air, kill, and even spin a large house like it was a top. She's also Concord's girlfriend so don't even look at her or he'll kill you if she doesn't kill you first.
Lead Head- A "man" made of pure, solid lead. A horrifying figure both in size and lethality. He is a walking mass of the dense, malleable and highly toxic metal. After he crushes you, the corrosive material of his body absorbs into your skin , enters your blood stream , and quickly targets your nervous system. Once his lead fuses into your body, it has the ability to shut down all organ function and even delay puberty in children.
The Fog- This truly ghastly being has the power to phase into the bodies of humans and other intelligent beings and take over their body, mind and soul. Like a vapor of mist, he can shift in and out of people and control them. After he enters a host body, The electrical field of his own form shuts off the basic nervous system and brain function of the poor sap, and replaces it with his own. Once The Fog has taken over, you become an empty shell for him to manipulate and control. You're aware of what is happening but he has clouded your own mind - like a fog - and you are helpless until he releases you and phases into the body of another unfortunate loser.
Bombcat - He's a cat. With bombs.
10 years later....No... more accurately, 20 YEARS later- and I think I'm ready to begin releasing art and info on my personal comic--entitled Funrama (obviously). I think I have a web designer. I'm currently trying to assemble all the art and material for this project. I've been guarding this closely, because I don't want to put my ideas out in the open until I "publish" it. But I think this is going to happen in a month. Maybe.
The main story will happen much later but I'm going to put up two short stories that build towards the main event. The first is called FUNRAMA PRESENTS: THE MUTANT PUNKS which introduces The Mutant Punks. The second will be FUNRAMA PRESENTS: RACCOON which tells the story of my character, Raccoon. I'm a little reluctant to launch this right off the bat with The Mutant Punks. They're actually minor characters that show up once and awhile to kill and destroy and call people names. I'm afraid people will read it as cynical, but that's what the Mutant Punks are. And the Raccoon story will be completely different. It is what it is. I'm not following any of the "rules", which is why it would be hard to get a publisher to publish my project.
This is not a webcomic, per se. This is a personal side project in every sense of that definition. The FUNRAMA PRESENTS stories will be combined into a promo book that I hope to have available this summer with superstar pin-up art extras. The end goal is a set of 3 graphic novels. It could take years. Print on Demand..Unless a publisher wants to magically come forward and publish it. Anyway, More to come. I will be making a process Tumblr blog too.
Labels: funrama