Christmas Commissions

LOCAL- West Palm Beach, FL
I needed some quick cash so I yelled out on Twitter that I'd draw LOCAL commissions with backgrounds for $60. Everyone had to send me a photo of their hometown, favorite place or memorable location and I would work it into the composition. Just like a real artist! I said I would only do 3 commissions and I ended up taking, like, 12 or 15 or something. O_O Who am I to say no? Naturally, I'm exhausted now, but in return, I have a little extra jingle in my pocket. I'm trying to wrap them up and get back to my actual, real comic projects and then I will cut off commissions so I can concentrate on my "work". I know people don't have a lot of money to spend in this craptastic economy so I'm trying to spend a lot of time on these drawings and make them "special" and "nice to look at".
Labels: commissions