This was my first San Diego Comic Con adventure so I guess I should post something. I was there to support
Local and the announcement of
The New York Four and to buy small plastic Japanese monster movie toys.
I guess I was supposed to to try to further my career or something but I usually get overwhelmed at these things and I just clam up and wander around outside looking for a bar or cheap fish tacos. I feel like a total knuckleknob going up to editors, asking for work so I just say "hi, how's the kids?" and hope somebody calls with a job in the next year. I got to meet up with a lot of old friends and peers and coworkers and I met some new creators that I really admire, too many to begin to mention. I've been extremely Laissez-fare about about my career which is not healthy. But I had fun. I'm still working on Funrama and I hope to have a publisher on board soonish. I got to say hi to Bob Schreck for the first time. I saw a Pink Storm Trooper in a dress. I was on my first panel and I have no recollection as to what came out of my mouth.
I'm not very talented at schmoozing but I'm really good at sitting on the beach alone staring at the setting sun and thinking existential thoughts on life and death and $8 Convention tuna sandwiches.

My Motel 6 bedsheet-complete with cigarrete burns and rancid smells. It just needs a few Yodas sprinkled within that emaculate design for complete sleeping satisfaction.

This was the most refreshing place to sit and relax and yet no one was ever sitting here except for the homeless people. Sad. I heard that San Diego was a fairly Republican town but it didn't quite hit me until I saw tons of homeless people sleeping on every street. My White Male Reality Guilt started to sink in everyday as I walked to this monstrosity of commercialism and money and passed by all the poor people. Back in good ol' Blue-blooded Minnesota, we have a ton of shelters so at least those services are available.


I ended up doing a
horde of sketches, most of which I neglected to take photos of. I did many Megans.

...And a few Death sketches like this.

View from the Oni table.

Kevin Murphy! A genius, a Crop-dusting GENIUS! I met my heroes this convention-Mike , Bill, Kevin, the whole MST3k gang. Mr. Crow and Tom Servo were even on my flight home! What a treat.
The Film Crew (essentially a Mystery Science Theater 3000 reunion) panel and screening was amazing and it was PACKED. A whole auditorium of people on the floor laughing.I got their first DVD release
Hollywood After Dark, starring a young Rue McClanahan.
Oh yeah,
The Harvey Awards voting ends on August 3rd. Remember to vote. The power of Democracy is in your hands!
Labels: commissions, conventions