Kids today, with their rock and roll and Chat Rooms and hula hoops.
They can have your .99 cent Download. Give me a Cassingle and I’m a happy man. No object so perfectly personifies my generation, the early-to-mid 90’s, than the commercially produced Cassette Single. Why, for the
unbelievable low price of only
$3.99 I could get not only a song, but also a
WITH a cardboard sleeve. A sleeve.
CARDBOARD!Sorry Again represents one of the biggest hits from
Velocity Girl, an early, East-coast, alterna-grunge-era band. But they were known, unfairly or not, as "Bubble-Grunge", and if you listen to their music, you'll sorta get it. They have a little bit of Shoegazer in them, so i like it. And I tend to like that 90's, awkward-girl-singing-over-distortion sound. I love the backing
"Whoo-Hoo!"'s in the chorus.
There's Only One Thing Left To Say is the B-Side.
This particular cassingle appears to be the product of a joint-venture between Sub Pop and Urban Outfitters, probably to expose the bands to the store's customers as they buy muted, torn flannel shirts and some AirWalks. I probably grabbed this cassingle for free, 14 years ago, from the counter as I was buying a new pair of 10-hole Doc Martens or something.
Hear the
song and video.
My Grade:
Single: A Perfect little 3 minute pop song I've been playing in my car all summer.
B-Side: B-Great song pulled from the album...BUT, it's not a rare, unreleased, non-album track , so not a true B-Side in my book.
Packaging: C+Not great , but the graphics are culled from the original album. A pretty standard commercially-driven promotional item.
Presentation: ASingle and B-side are represented on BOTH sides of the tape . Very nice.
Labels: Cassingle Of The Week, Music