Chicago Wizard World Table #5014

This Thursday through Sunday I'll be at Wizard World Chicago Comic Con at Artist Table #5014. It's been awhile since I've been at this convention. Last time I was at WW Chicago, I had about 6 pages of Local #1 drawn to show people at my artist table. But most of the responses were like, "hmm, that's interesting, but can you draw NightCrawler beating up Lee Majors with a lightsaber?". Hee :)
I feel bad that I've been too busy to make cool stuff to sell like buttons, or leather mugs or purses with cute woodland animals painted on them. BUT, I'll be selling color prints of my work as well as original art from Lucifer, Local, American Virgin, and various others. I'll also have copies of all my books and previews of The New York Four
The real reason I'm going is to paint original art commissions like this Lucifer piece (I hope to sell) I painted last night (doing color work at night without the sun helping me out is baaad). So, please come by and say hello or buy some original art.
I'm sharing the table with Christopher Schons, artist for Tokyo Pop's EarthLight. He'll be selling his Videogame-themed art prints, copies of Earthlight and custom toys. Here's a sample of his work, check out his website to see his more of his stuff...

Labels: conventions